What Exactly is Cannabis?
There are many different types of cannabis plants around the world. Each has it's place and it's purpose. Cannabis is broadly divided into three main genus of plants: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.
The vast majority of industrial fiber hemp is of the genus Cannabis Sativa. The majority of CBD hemp, medical cannabis and recreational cannabis (wrongfully termed marijuana) is also of the genus Cannabis Sativa. There is also Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Ruderalis and many hybrids that have been created by generations of breeding to create stable varieties.
While Fiber Hemp and CBD Hemp contain the same cannabinoids found in medical and recreational cannabis, only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are present. The US government thereby uses 0.3% THC has the defining line between what they consider to be hemp and "marijuana". The Feds allow each State to develop legal hemp farming programs as long as the crops are tested before harvest to prove that 0.3% THC or less is present. If a portion of a hemp field ends up being 0.31% or higher then that portion of the field must be quarantined and burned in the presence of a DOJ officer.
None of the other 100+ cannabinoids found in cannabis plants cause psychotropic effects and are therefore not a concern to the Feds. Regardless, THC, CBD and all other primary cannabinoids have proven to have huge medical benefits. The research is staggering and continues to grow exponentially. Here is an example of the most common medical benefits:
There are many different types of cannabis plants around the world. Each has it's place and it's purpose. Cannabis is broadly divided into three main genus of plants: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.
The vast majority of industrial fiber hemp is of the genus Cannabis Sativa. The majority of CBD hemp, medical cannabis and recreational cannabis (wrongfully termed marijuana) is also of the genus Cannabis Sativa. There is also Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Ruderalis and many hybrids that have been created by generations of breeding to create stable varieties.
While Fiber Hemp and CBD Hemp contain the same cannabinoids found in medical and recreational cannabis, only trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are present. The US government thereby uses 0.3% THC has the defining line between what they consider to be hemp and "marijuana". The Feds allow each State to develop legal hemp farming programs as long as the crops are tested before harvest to prove that 0.3% THC or less is present. If a portion of a hemp field ends up being 0.31% or higher then that portion of the field must be quarantined and burned in the presence of a DOJ officer.
None of the other 100+ cannabinoids found in cannabis plants cause psychotropic effects and are therefore not a concern to the Feds. Regardless, THC, CBD and all other primary cannabinoids have proven to have huge medical benefits. The research is staggering and continues to grow exponentially. Here is an example of the most common medical benefits:
Hemp is one of the least harmful and most useful plants on Earth. For thousands of years, humans have used parts of the hemp plant for food, textiles, paper, fabric, and fuel oil. Today, modern processing technologies have made it possible to create alternatives to gasoline, plastic, and other petroleum products that can help the human race lessen its reliance on polluting and expensive fossil fuels.
The hemp plant is a renewable resource that can be produced domestically. It grows quickly, naturally resists plant diseases, requires little weeding, thrives in most climates, and enriches the soil it grows in. Here are some of its most important applications:
Food and Nutrition
Hempseeds and hemp oil are highly nutritious and delicious. Hempseeds are an excellent source of protein, minerals, and dietary fibre. Hemp is the only plant that contains all of the essential fatty acids and amino acids required by the human body. These essential nutrients affect a variety of body functions, including metabolism, the skin, mood, behaviour, the brain, and the heart.
Many people eat fish and take fish oil supplements to get these essential fats, however concerns around over fishing and the chemical contamination of modern fish have made many choose to switch to hemp instead. It is an especially excellent option for vegetarians.
Hemp is also good for animals, and some veterinarians recommend including it in the diets of pets and livestock. In Europe, fishermen sprinkle hempseed on the water as an effective bait. When hempseed is included in bird seed, songbirds will pick it out of the mix as they prefer it over other seeds.
Hemp foods are becoming more and more popular as the public discovers the nutritional benefits and culinary uses of hemp.
Body Care
Due to its high content of beneficial oils and natural emollient properties, hemp is becoming a common ingredient in lotions and many other skin, hair, and cosmetic products. It is a good alternative to the toxic chemicals present in many petroleum based lotions and cosmetics.
Hemp is an ideal material for making paper. It regenerates in the field in months (unlike trees which can take 30 years or more to become harvestable after planting.) Moving towards the use of hemp for paper can help save the world's forests.
Historically, hemp has been used to make paper for thousands of years. It makes a fine quality paper that is naturally acid free and does not become yellow and brittle or disintegrate over time like conventional paper.
Fabric, Textiles, and Rope
Hemp can be used to make a variety of fabrics, similar to but more durable than cotton. Hemp is also excellent for making rugs and other textiles. The word canvas comes from the Latin word for hemp.
The oldest known woven fabric was made from hemp, as were Levi Strauss' original denim jeans, and the first American flag. It was a common material for clothing until the cotton industry gained strength in America.
Hemp is the traditional rope making fibre due to its flexibility, strength, and resistance to water damage. In past centuries, hemp was extremely important to the Navy, the shipping trade, and fishing because it was used to make ropes, riggings, nets, and sails.
For centuries, Hemp oil was used as lamp oil. It began to be phased out in America in the 1870s when petroleum was introduced.
Today, hemp oil can be used to create biofuels to replace gasoline for diesel engines. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are renewable and produce less of the greenhouse gas carbon monoxide.
Plastic Alternatives
Standard plastic is made from fossil fuels using toxic chemicals. Almost everything we buy is wrapped in cellophane and our landfills are full of it. A variety of alternatives to plastic can be made from hemp.
In 1941, Henry Ford held a media event where he swung an axe at a prototype car body made of hemp and other plant material to prove its strength. The technology was never put into mass production, cars continued to be made of steel, and plastics made from petrochemicals became the norm.
Fortunately, the number of available products made from hemp plastics is on the increase as awareness of the importance of developing sustainable alternatives grows.
Building Materials
Hemp based materials can replace wood and other materials used to build homes and other structures including foundations, walls, shingles, paneling, pipes, and paint.
The modern hemp building materials Hempcrete and Isochanvre are lightweight, waterproof, fireproof, self-insulating, and resistant to pests.
Hemp's Past and Future
If hemp is so useful and practical, why hasn't everyone heard of it? The answer lies primarily in politics. In the United States, growing hemp is largely prohibited and there is a great fear around it due to its resemblance to marijuana. Hemp may look like marijuana, however it does not contain the active chemicals that cause mind-altering effects.
Historically, hemp was important in America and several of the founding fathers grew it on their estates. Thomas Jefferson himself said, "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country." There were times when farmers were legally required to grow it. During World War Two, the American government encouraged farmers to grow it to help aid the war effort.
In the 1930s, a "reefer madness" campaign began in the United States to stir up fear around marijuana and hemp. Today it is clear that these beginnings of "the war on drugs" were pushed into being by political propaganda and supported by industries which have benefited financially from hemp prohibition. There are many people in the United States working to make growing hemp legal across the country. For the time being the federal government allows each state department of agriculture and/or institutes of higher learning to develop their own individual hemp pilot programs. These programs can work with private farms to grow hemp for the purpose of research, including research related to the manufacturing and use of products and market analysis.